
vrijdag 26 december 2014

Van de hel naar de hemel.....Merry Christmas!! ( 2 video's )


Voor de tweede keer deze maand vraag ik u, de lezers van deze blog, begrip voor het feit dat ik dit artikel niet heb vertaald. In de eerste plaats mag ik mij gelukkig prijzen dat ik vandaag veel bezoek heb. Velen komen van ver en blijven slapen en ten tweede heb ik nog veel pijn aan mijn gebroken pols. Ik wens u allen een fijne dag toe. Warme groet,  Erna

The issue

More than 10,000 bears are kept on bile farms in China, and around 2,400 suffer the same fate in Vietnam. The bears are "milked" regularly for their bile, which is not only used in traditional medicine but also in many ordinary household products.
Bile is extracted using various painful, invasive techniques, all of which cause massive infection in the bears. This cruel practice continues despite the availability of a large number of effective and affordable herbal and synthetic alternatives.

Dit is de hel !

Most farmed bears are kept in tiny cages. In China, the cages are sometimes so small that the bears are unable to turn around or stand on all fours. Some bears are caged as cubs and never released. Bears may be kept caged for up to 30 years. Most farmed bears are starved, dehydrated and suffer from multiple diseases and malignant tumours that ultimately kill them.

Jill Robinson oprichter van Animals Asia

Bear Sanctuaries

Voor deze bevrijdde beren is dit de hemel !!

We operate bear sanctuaries in China and Vietnam where bears are rehabilitated and cared for and where our bear teams gather vital evidence of the effects of bile extraction.Our world-class bear rescue centres in Chengdu, China and Tam Dao, Vietnam provide the bears with comfortable dens and semi-natural enclosures where they are able to recover in safety and spend the remaining years of their lives in the company of other bears. To date, 400 farmed bears have been received into our care.
During their rehabilitation at the rescue centres, the bears’ behaviour and well-being are closely monitored by our bear teams through regular health checks and daily observations. This not only ensures that the bears receive the best care possible, but also enables our staff to gather vital scientific evidence on the physical and psychological effects of bile extraction. Reports and papers published by our teams have helped to raise the profile of the moon bear within the scientific community and to increase public awareness of the terrible cruelty involved in the bear bile farming industry.
Our sanctuaries also provide direct employment for over 250 Chinese and Vietnamese people in areas such as bear care, horticulture, food preparation and security. Several hundred local people are employed indirectly through services and construction.

Lekker lui !! Wil je mijn buik nog even krabben?

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